Irish Probation Journal 2017 Volume 14


Title: IPJ 2017 Full Journal
Article: Full Journal


Title: IPJ 2017 Editorial
Article: Editorial


Author: Shadd Maruna

Title: Desistance as a Social Movement

Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Cheryl Lamont and Vivian Geiran

Title: Making the Difference That Makes a Difference: Leading Probation on the Island of Ireland
Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Clare McGlynn and Erika Rackley

Title: More than ‘Revenge Porn’: Image-Based Sexual Abuse and the Reform of Irish Law
Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Nicola Carr and Niamh Maguire

Title: Pre-sentence Reports and Individualised Justice: Consistency, Temporality and Contingency

Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Lisa C. Anderson

Title: A Practitioner’s Response to ‘Chronic Offenders and the Syndrome of Antisociality: Offending is a Minor Feature!’
Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Orla Lynch

Title: Understanding Radicalisation: Implications for Criminal Justice Practitioners
Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Alexandra Delimata and Mairead Seymour

Title: The ‘Manageability of Risk’ and Recall on Supervised Licence: Post-Release Pathways for Serious Violent and Sexual Offenders in Northern Ireland
Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Jean O’Neill

Title: Women’s Transitions from Custody in Northern Ireland – Time After Time?

Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Paul Doran

Title: Enhanced Combination Orders
Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Nicholas Clarke

Title: Overview of a Group Work Programme: The Choices and the Challenges

Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Nichola Crawford

Title: The Journey of Probation Domestic Abuse Interventions
Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Glenn Parker and Gail McGreevy

Title: An Economic Evaluation of Reducing Offending in Partnership
Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Author: Eoin Guilfoyle

Title: What Exactly is a Community Service Order in Ireland?
Article: Article
Abstract: Abstract


Title: IPJ2017 Book Reviews
Article: Book Reviews